Get back to doing what you love through bodywork



Nurturing seeds into delicious vegetables and beautiful flowers by digging in the rich soil is such a satisfying experience, isn’t it?

You long to be out in your garden but…

What you dread is the toll on your body-especially your back, shoulders, knees and hips-from a long day in the yard.

Does this sound familiar?


You struggle to get down to the ground to plant seedlings or weed and can’t get back up.

Just thinking about lifting bags of soils sends your back into a spasm.

You have dreams of pulley systems for your hanging baskets,
so you don’t have to raise your shoulders to water.

The feeling of getting your hands in the dirt is something you love, but

You end up frustrated because you’ve lost your flexibility.

Chronic pain is overwhelming, you’ve tried everything,but you don’t know how to make it better.


What if gardening didn’t have to be so hard?


You’re ready to wake up energized and motivated to do all the things you need to get
done every day.

Imagine feeling excited to garden again.

You finally feel healthy and confident with how your body moves.

You love how flexible your body is and are so grateful you can do all the things you’ve always wanted to do.

You have more energy than you’ve had in years.

You’ve come to the right place!


Hi, I’m Caran.

With the help of three amazing therapies: Bowenwork, Lymphatic Clearing, and McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release, I’ve been able to help hundreds of gardeners just like you get out of pain so they can get back to doing what they love in life.

 click here to learn more.

You deserve to live the life you want

"I've been to other Bowen therapists and
I don't feel like they gave me the level of care that Caran does."

"I feel like I get more thorough care with Caran.
She spends more time on me and getting my issues resolved. I feel listened to." SS

“Love the new space. Lots of parking, quiet spot and Caran is a treasure. Bowen works for me.” SA

“I was hurting after haying for two days. By the time I got home from an hour of Bowen with Caran, pain was gone. “SB

“Bowenwork is great for chronic pain. Caran is knowledgeable. Thorough and compassionate to those with long standing chronic pain.” AS

“I used to suffer from sciatic pain and since seeing Caran for over a year now, I have no issues anymore. I do grueling, labor-intensive home projects and my body recovers in days, not weeks.” JP

“I am so happy I discovered Bowenwork. It has helped me with severe pain, stress, and anxiety. Caran is great!”  AD

Caran Johnson
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Bowenwork Therapist
Certified McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Therapist
Wa State License # MA60629296